
Showing posts from September, 2019

Module Two

"How does instructional design impact P-12 student learning?"       The instructional design impacts P-12 student learning in a positive manner and starts in tier one. The direct instructional model can be applied throughout any tier of instruction to best benefit students. In literacy, I see guided practice happen all the time in a small group setting called guided reading. This develops student’s reading fluency and comprehension skills that best meet the students needs. The teacher is modeling how to read in whole group literacy and in guided reading providing a reteach of skills to students if needed for best practices in literacy instruction. I have also seen direct instruction throughout all concepts across multiple grade levels. In first grade, the first grade teachers use it to also teach procedural concepts such as ways to follow our school rules which are being respectful, responsible, problem solver, and safe. The educators model what this looks like, they create